Woman Optimized Cars

Rolls Royce 200EX Concept Has Automatic Purse Holder

Rolls Royce is the ultimate in luxury and now their new concept car makes driving even more luxurious for women. The Rolls Royce 200EX Concept has a feature that "auto-senses to hold your purse." How convenient!

Check out the gallery above for some sweet feature previews of the Rolls Royce 200EX Concept car.

Implications - Proving that the market is now taking the idea of personalization to new heights, vehicles can now even be customized based on gender. As female drivers are now more prevalent amongst the roads, it's clear that car companies are aiming to attend to this demographic. In that spirit, more forms of transport should soon arise that would be targeted towards different classes of individuals and age groups as well.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Gender-based Vehicles - Car companies are attending to the female demographic by customizing vehicles to suit their preferences, setting a trend for gender-based personalized vehicles.
2. New Heights of Personalization - Cars that can hold your purse, among other personalized features, signal that the market for customization is expanding.
3. Targeted Transportation for Different Age Groups - As gender-based customization becomes more popular, expect more forms of transport to be targeted towards different classes of individuals and age groups.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - Car companies are leading the gender-based customization trend in vehicles to meet the demand of female drivers.
2. Fashion Industry - As the need for gender-based customization increases, the fashion industry has an opportunity to create gender-specific car accessories like handbags and wallets.
3. Transportation Industry - Expect the transportation industry to expand as more personalized modes of transport are developed to meet the needs of different age groups and individuals.

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