Brilliant Bubblegum Paintings

Roland Hicks Chewing Gum Pieces Pop With Whimsy and Wonder

London-based artist Roland Hicks is not your average artist. This practiced painter makes masterpieces which are so detailed and realistic that they look like photographs. In his collection 'Give Me Every Little Thing,' Roland has created a series of scrumptious chewing gum portraits. These paintings are all done in oil on canvas, and portray shoes stepping into sidewalk bubblegum. He paints the moment when the sneaker lifts from the sidewalk and stretches the forgotten gum upwards.

At first, these paintings are humorous because of their concept; however, after a while, the viewer completely forgets that the painting is of bubblegum. The shape of the gum is so unique that it almost seems as if Roland has painted ancient stalactites or floating jellyfish.

Let Roland Hicks expand your perspective with his paintings that pop.
Trend Themes
1. Realistic Oil Paintings - Realistic oil paintings could become a popular trend in the art world, particularly with pieces that use unusual and unexpected subject matter.
2. Humorous Art Pieces - Humorous art pieces, such as Roland Hicks' bubblegum portraits, could find a niche audience among those who appreciate witty and whimsical artwork.
3. Unexpected Materials in Art - Artists experimenting with unexpected materials, such as chewing gum, could spark a trend for innovative art pieces.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Art - Fine art enthusiasts may be interested in investing in unique and unconventional art pieces, such as those created by Roland Hicks.
2. Art Education - Art educators could use Roland Hicks' work to encourage students to explore unusual subject matter and experiment with unconventional materials.
3. Advertising/marketing - Advertising agencies and marketers could leverage the popularity of imaginative and humorous artwork like Roland Hicks' bubblegum paintings in their campaigns for unconventional products.

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