Socially Conscious Newborn Fashion

Rockin Baby Benefits Haitian Mothers with "One-for-One" Slings

Operating on a buy one, give one business model, Rockin Baby is a social enterprise founded in 2002 currently supporting Haitian mothers in need. For each sling or pouch purchased, one sling is donated to a mother in Haiti, although the brand plans to move beyond Haiti when the need there is satisfied. The brand has apparently also garnered some celebrity attention, listing Angelina, Gwen Stefani, Naomi Watts and Helena Bonham Carter as amongst its fans.

Rockin Baby products are made in Los Angeles and the brand is committed to staying involved in its community, donating samples of slings to local individuals and institutions, while also donates 2% of its profits from online sales to several charities. The socially conscious business is currently owned by Kathryn Wiley and is based in Richmond, Virginia.

Contact Information
Rockin' Baby website
Rockin' Baby on Facebook
Rockin' Baby on Twitter
Trend Themes
1. One-for-one Business Model - Businesses can consider adopting a One-for-One business model where for every product purchased, one product is donated to people in need creating social impact while generating revenue.
2. Socially Responsible Products - As buyer behaviors continue to evolve, businesses can develop socially responsible products that not only address customer concerns but also give back to society.
3. Celebrity Endorsements - Businesses can leverage the power of celebrity endorsements to create awareness amongst the masses leading to increased sales and growth.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can incorporate social and environmental responsibility in their businesses, appealing to socially conscious consumers who want sustainable and ethical products.
2. Retail - Retailers can consider selling socially responsible products, building customer loyalty and generating revenue while creating a positive social impact.
3. Social Enterprises - Social enterprises can learn from the One-for-One business model used by Rockin Baby and implement similar approaches in their businesses to create impact at a larger scale.

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