Height-Changing Apps

The ‘Short++' iPhone-Enabled Robotic Elevator Shoes

Adi Marom envisions life on many levels. She has created a pair of mechanical stilts, called ‘Short++,’ that can be made higher and lower using an iPhone app. The Short++ iPhone-enabled robotic elevator shoes are handy gadgets for those who want to overcome height disadvantage—or reach the top shelf.

Marom’s robotic elevator shoes project explores height as a component of interpersonal relations as well as how on-demand height impacts everyday activities. The robotic elevator shoes are a "must-have" for the under-tall. As the designer says, "There’s an up for that!
Trend Themes
1. Robotic Wearables - The emergence of Short++ highlights the potential for robotic wearable devices that can be controlled with smartphones.
2. Customizable Gadgets - Short++ demonstrates the demand for personalized gadgets and the opportunity for customization in the technology industry.
3. Height Accessibility - The creation of Short++ is part of a growing trend of innovative products that address height accessibility issues.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Short++ combines fashion and technology, highlighting the potential for innovative products that bridge traditional industries.
2. Footwear - Short++ falls into the footwear industry, and the creation of robotic shoes offers numerous opportunities for product differentiation and innovation.
3. Health and Wellness - Short++ can also be marketed as a health and wellness product, positioning it for entry into the broader health technology market.

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