Robot DJs

Don't Just Request Electropop

If you're lucky enough to have a couple of robot arms lying around, but don't fancy setting them up as sword-wielding sentries, then how about letting them make sweet music? With far more stamina than ever the most coked-up DJ, according to Slashgear "this pair of Kuko industrial robots have a selection of vinyl and a bad scratching habit to blur the lines between performance art installations and music".

Implications - I can totally see this contraption being a part of Daft Punk's live stage show. After all, the robotic duo's constantly kicking major ass on stage, they might as well have an extra robot arm assist them in their badassery.
Trend Themes
1. Music-making Robots - This trend highlights the use of robots in making music, blurring the lines between performance art installations and music.
2. Robotic Djs - The emergence of robotic DJs showcases the potential for automation and technology in the entertainment industry.
3. Industrial Robot Performances - The use of industrial robots in performance art installations opens up new possibilities for creativity and audience interaction.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can explore the use of robot DJs, enhancing live performances and creating unique experiences.
2. Robotics - The robotics industry can focus on developing robots specifically designed for music-making and performance art applications.
3. Art - The art industry can incorporate industrial robots in their installations to create immersive and interactive experiences for viewers.

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