Ring Sizer Business Cards

Jewelry Shop 'Marrying's' Ring Stick Sneakily Finds a Woman's Ring Size

'Marrying' is a jewelry store in Germany that's not letting men avoid popping the question any longer with the excuse that they don't know their wife-to-be's ring size. To encourage more proposals and ring sales, Marrying had a Ring Stick created from a business card.

The Ring Stick was devised for Marrying by the Jung von Matt/Alster Hamburg and the small ring sizer is designed with one small adhesive corner, so that it keeps its shape when rolled and there's no discrepancy in ring size. Since The Ring Stick is designed like a business card, it's pretty covert and all a guy would need to do is slip a ring onto it to determine the right ring size. If you're planning a surprise engagement, this is one tool that's extremely handy to have.
Trend Themes
1. Sneaky Ring Sizers - Developing covert ring sizers in the form of everyday items opens up opportunities for discreetly determining ring sizes.
2. Innovative Proposals - Creating unique and unexpected ways to propose, such as using hidden ring sizers, adds excitement and personalization to the engagement experience.
3. Convenience in Jewelry Shopping - Designing practical tools like business card ring sizers makes the process of choosing and purchasing rings more convenient and accessible for customers.
Industry Implications
1. Jewelry - The jewelry industry can benefit from incorporating discreet ring sizers as a value-added service to enhance customer satisfaction.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Ad agencies and marketers can explore opportunities to create unique and innovative campaigns around personalized proposal experiences using covert ring sizers.
3. Stationery and Printing - The stationery and printing industry can collaborate with jewelry stores to create customizable business card ring sizers for efficient and stylish ring shopping.

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