3D Fantasy Resumes

This Whimsical 70-Pound Resume Design Was Sent in For a Game Designer Position

It's not often that managers receive a 70-pound resume when looking to fill a role, but this resume design is exactly that going beyond a simple page or PDF file with a resume designed as a 3D stone tablet. The resume, created by Tumblr user Dr. Deep Immersion, was sent in for a position to be a Dungeons & Dragons game designer.

Keeping in theme with his potential new position, Dr. Deep Immersion created a resume that one might send during medieval times. The resume was delivered as a replica stone tablet that incased a written resume sealed with a wax stamp. The resume was hidden inside the fake stone tablet, that needed to be broken with a hammer and chisel which were conveniently sent along with the resume inside a wooden box. The resume cleverly taps into a fantastical imagination the designer position would require, allowing him to score the position.
Trend Themes
1. Fantasy Resumes - Creating resumes that incorporate whimsical and imaginative elements to stand out from the traditional one-page document.
2. 3D Resumes - Designing resumes that use 3D printing technology to create unique and attention-grabbing displays of qualifications.
3. Interactive Resumes - Developing resumes that require user interaction and engagement to showcase skills and abilities in a more memorable fashion.
Industry Implications
1. Human Resources - Introducing new takes on the traditional resume to stand out and attract top talent who appreciate creativity and innovation in the hiring process.
2. Design - Utilizing design skills to create visually stunning resumes that capture the attention of potential employers and recruiters.
3. Marketing - Using inventive strategies to create unique resumes and portfolios that showcase the creativity, imagination, and innovation of a candidate to clients and potential employers.

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