Magical Self-Healing Candles

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The Rekindle Candle is the Only Candle You'll Ever Need

If you're tired of constantly buying candles, then the Rekindle Candle is exactly what you need and might just put Thomas Edison and his light bulb out of business.

Created by Benjamin Shine, the Rekindle Candle works much like a traditional candle, however the holder is designed to collect and pool the melting wax around a wick in the bottom chamber. Once the candle solidifies you simply remove it from the mold and repeat the same process again with your new candle.

The Rekindle Candle solves the glaring design flaw of the candle; while it's unclear how the remolding process would affect scented candles, it's clear that it's perfectly suited to traditional candles found in most homes.
Trend Themes
1. Self-regenerating Products - Opportunity to create products that continuously regenerate or refill themselves.
2. Sustainable Home Goods - Opportunity to develop eco-friendly home goods that reduce waste and increase convenience.
3. Circular Economy - Opportunity to participate in the system where waste is minimized, and products are used more efficiently and effectively.
Industry Implications
1. Home Goods - The Rekindle Candle presents an opportunity for home goods manufacturers to develop similar eco-friendly products that regenerate themselves.
2. Candle Industry - The Rekindle Candle provides an opportunity for candle manufacturers to create products that are eco-friendly and sustainable.
3. Sustainable Production - The Rekindle Candle highlights the need for more sustainable production methods across all industries, providing an opportunity for companies to improve their sustainability practices.

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