Recycled Leather Jewelry

Scraps & Old Jackets Turned Into Accessories

We live in such wasteful times. Old leather garments past their fashion due dates, tired leather handbags, surplus leather samples or small scraps just get tossed. Just more for the city dump, right? But not any more. Some jewelry artisans are taking the unwanted material and revamping it into attractive jewelry.

One artisan hand-cut an old leather jacket to form a lace collar style necklace. Others use floral or geometric shapes to adorn necklaces, bracelets, rings and even earrings. All cool examples of eco transformation! 

Etsy Artisans Featured: Vietto | Jonquiljuice | OnceAgainSam
Trend Themes
1. Recycled Leather Jewelry - Opportunity for artisans to create attractive jewelry by revamping old leather garments and scraps.
2. Eco Transformation - Growing trend of using unwanted leather material to create fashionable accessories.
3. Upcycled Accessories - Artisans cutting old leather jackets and using floral or geometric shapes to create unique necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings.
Industry Implications
1. Artisan Jewelry - Artists and jewelry makers creating unique pieces by repurposing leather materials.
2. Sustainable Fashion - Fashion industry embracing sustainable practices by using recycled leather materials.
3. Etsy Marketplace - Online platform where artisans and users can sell and purchase recycled leather jewelry and accessories.

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