Edible Masterpieces

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The Mona Lasagne

Using 10,000 different pieces of pasta including fusilli, macaroni and lasagna, British culinary artist Prudence Emma Staite created this modern version of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, the Mona Lisa.

Dubbed the Mona Lasagne, the piece will apparently last for 20 years due to the long shelf life of dry pasta.

The artwork was commissioned by Pizza Hut to mark its rebranding as Pasta Hut, and will be on display in one of London's Pasta Hut restaurants.

Implications - The Mona Lasagne certainly proves that you can sometimes have a little bit of fun with your food. This pasta-based art work is always a crowd pleaser as many people in their youth were told not to play with their food -- and now they can indulge!
Trend Themes
1. Edible Art - Creating edible masterpieces opens up opportunities for artists and chefs to explore new ways of merging food and art.
2. Branded Culinary Art - Commissioning food-based artwork as a marketing strategy allows brands to engage customers in a unique and playful way.
3. Long-lasting Food Art - The development of food art with extended shelf life creates new possibilities for exhibitions and installations in food-related events and establishments.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The merging of food and art presents opportunities for innovative culinary experiences and product development in the food and beverage industry.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Commissioning food-based artworks for promotional purposes can enhance brand recognition and customer engagement in the marketing and advertising industry.
3. Art and Entertainment - The emergence of food art as a popular form of expression creates new avenues for artists and entertainers to captivate audiences with edible creations.

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