Credit Crunch Storytelling

People Swap Job Loss Stories on

How I Got Laid Off is a website dedicated to all of those that have been victim to the current recession. Readers can go on and share their stories of how they lost their jobs with this online story sharing website.

Titles include "How it took 6 months to hire me and 6 seconds to get rid of me," "Letter from State Government," and "Blood Drive Gone Bad."

Check out the gallery above for a preview of stories from the How I Got Laid Off website.
Trend Themes
1. Online Story Sharing - The rise of platforms that allow people to share their personal stories online creates opportunities for new tools and technologies that facilitate the creation, curation and promotion of those stories.
2. Recession-coping Platforms - Platforms like How I Got Laid Off illustrate a growing desire for resources that help individuals and communities to deal with the economic struggles caused by recessions.
3. Empathic Networking - Such platforms provide opportunities to create new forms of social networking that are based on building empathy through shared experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - Social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn could expand their offerings to provide resources that support storytelling around job loss.
2. Career Counseling - Professional development services could benefit from incorporating story sharing into their offerings as a way to guide clients through difficult job transitions.
3. Data Analytics - Data analytics companies can help identify patterns and trends in job loss stories, allowing individuals and employers to better understand the impact of economic downturns.

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