90s Cartoon Doppelganger Tributes

Sheridan College's 'Recess Opening Scene Remake' is Tons of Fun

As a kid growing up in the 90s, an embarrassing amount of Saturday morning cartoon theme songs have been ingrained in my memory, so you can imagine the feelings of nostalgia I felt while watching Sheridan College's 'Recess Opening Scene Remake' video.

Created by Sheridan's Media Arts class of 2013, the 60-second clip features students of the Ontario college recreating the intro to ABC's animated series 'Recess,' which ran from 1997 to 2001 as part of their Saturday morning lineup. Syncing up the theme song and audio from the intro, the video is about as close to perfect as I can imagine, with a cast of students (and a few teachers) who bear an eerie resemblance to the cartoon characters.

Whether you were a hardcore Spinelli fan, or you've always had a special place in your heart for little Gus, Sheridan College's Recess Opening Scene Remake will definitely warm your heart with childhood cartoon memories.
Trend Themes
1. Nostalgic Remakes - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore creating remakes or tributes of popular cartoons from past decades to tap into the nostalgia market.
2. Creative Student Projects - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with students and educational institutions to produce unique and engaging content that resonates with a wide audience.
3. Niche Fan Communities - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build online communities and platforms for fans of specific nostalgic cartoons to connect, share content, and engage with like-minded individuals.
Industry Implications
1. Media Arts Education - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce courses or programs that focus on media arts and encourage students to create innovative content like the Sheridan College Recess Opening Scene Remake.
2. Streaming Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Curate a collection of nostalgic cartoons and offer them as exclusive content on streaming platforms to attract subscribers who enjoy retro content.
3. Merchandise Retail - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create and sell merchandise related to nostalgic cartoons to capitalize on the growing market of fans seeking items to commemorate their favorite childhood shows.

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