Viral Video Star Drop Outs

Bullying and Harassment has Led to Rebecca Black Quitting School

Going through the trials and tribulations of school can be difficult, which is exactly why the news of Rebecca Black quitting school has been making headlines.

The very quick rise in popularity of Black's 'Friday' video has led the budding singer to be a victim of bullying. Being constantly harassed for her new found fame and the lyrics to her song has led to Rebecca Black quitting school. She is now being home schooled by her mom after leaving middle school.

Not one to let this deter her, she shares her excitement for being featured in Katy Perry's 'Last Friday Night' video in a recent interview with ABC.

Implications - With the use of social media growing every day, consumers are able to gain access to information faster than ever. Products that utilize the Internet to spread the word will become popular at a faster speed. Companies trying to increase their appeal on the modern market could develop more of their items with the use of the world wide web.
Trend Themes
1. Cyberbullying Awareness - The rise of bullying and harassment through social media necessitates more focus on cyberbullying awareness and prevention to protect vulnerable individuals.
2. Online Learning Platforms - The need for safe spaces for learning and development in light of bullying incidents can inspire innovations in online learning platforms that offer secure and supportive environments.
3. Digital Influencer Education - Social media's influence on popular culture necessitates more education for digital influencers, particularly younger ones, about the potential risks and how to manage cyberbullying and harassment.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media Platforms - Social media platforms have the opportunity to prioritize user safety by implementing more policies and features that combat cyberbullying and empower users to report and block abusers.
2. Edtech Industry - Edtech companies have the opportunity to create online learning platforms that prioritize student safety and offer secure environments where children and young adults can learn and grow without fear of bullying or harassment.
3. Influencer Marketing Industry - The rise of digital influencers and the potential risks they face from cyberbullying and harassment necessitates more support and education for young influencers to build resilience and navigate these challenges.

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