Adoption-Promoting Campaigns

The Real Rewards Campaign Encourages Families to Adopt Teenagers

The Ad Council worked with the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and AdoptUSKids to launch the 'Real Rewards' campaign that encourages families to adopt teenagers stating "you can't imagine the reward."

The campaign has two commercials, one featuring the journey of a young teen who gets adopted and slowly but surely integrates into a loving family. The second shows the story of several real-life people who have been adopted and their loving bond between their adoptive parents. The campaign underscores the joys and rewards of adopting older children who, according to the organization, are often overlooked and can take up to twice as long to find placements.
Trend Themes
1. Teen Adoption - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative programs and support systems to promote the adoption of teenagers and highlight the rewards of welcoming them into loving families.
2. Adoption Awareness - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create campaigns and initiatives that raise awareness about the benefits of adoption and challenge negative stereotypes surrounding older children in the adoption process.
3. Reducing Adoption Time - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore ways to streamline the adoption process for older children, reducing the time it takes to find suitable placements and ensure long-term stability and happiness for both the children and adoptive families.
Industry Implications
1. Social Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop technology-driven solutions and platforms that facilitate the adoption process, match prospective adoptive parents with older children, and provide ongoing support to ensure successful, long-term placements.
2. Media and Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with adoption organizations to create impactful awareness campaigns through various media channels, using storytelling and real-life testimonials to change societal perceptions and encourage the adoption of older children.
3. Education and Training - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design educational programs and training initiatives for prospective adoptive parents, providing them with the necessary skills and resources to create a nurturing environment for older children and support their unique needs.

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