Raw Carrot Cakes

Kris Carr's Raw Vegan Carrot Cake is Healthy and Indulgent

If you're fond of juicing, this raw carrot cake recipe from Kris Carr is a great way to use up excess carrot pulp and turn it into a healthy, indulgent treat. In addition to carrots, this vegan-friendly recipe is made with dates, shredded coconut, nuts, ginger and apple, which makes it a delicious fall snack or dessert.

Frosting is an essential part of carrot cake and this raw vegan carrot cake recipe features an alternative that can be made without any animal products. Instead, the frosting gets its flavor and consistency from lemon juice, vanilla powder, dates, water and cashews. The recipe is easy to put together and mainly involves a lot of blending in the food processor and smearing the frosting on top—from there, the hardest part is to wait about 25 minutes for everything to set before serving.
Trend Themes
1. Raw Carrot Cake Trend - The trend of using carrot pulp in raw carrot cakes presents an opportunity for juice bars and vegan restaurants to expand their dessert menus.
2. Vegan Dessert Trend - The rise of veganism has created an opportunity for bakeries to innovate and offer plant-based desserts such as raw carrot cake.
3. Alternative Frosting Trend - The trend of using alternative ingredients for frosting, such as the cashew and date-based frosting in this raw carrot cake recipe, presents an opportunity for dairy-free and vegan frosting companies to capture a growing market.
Industry Implications
1. Juice Bars Industry - Juice bars can explore using carrot pulp from their juicing process to create raw carrot cakes, offering a healthy and unique dessert option for their customers.
2. Vegan Restaurants Industry - Vegan restaurants can include raw carrot cake on their menus, catering to customers looking for healthy and indulgent plant-based dessert options.
3. Bakery Industry - Bakeries can capitalize on the rise of veganism and offer plant-based dessert options, such as raw carrot cake, to capture a growing market of health-conscious consumers.

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