Instant Noodle Lasagnas

This Ramen Recipe Makes a Cheap Lasagna for Those Who are Struggling

This ramen recipe uses the instant noodle as a substitute for the traditional pasta used in lasagna. From The Vulgar Chef, the Romsagna or 'The Struggle is Real Lasagna' is made for broke people who are both the captain and co-pilot of the "struggle bus." This poor man's lasagna is so this group of people can treat themselves (other audiences include people who are obsessed with ramen and combining unusual and epically unhealthy foods).

The ramen recipe involves making the instant noodles in the microwave. After the brick is boiled, you layer tomato sauce and ricotta repeatedly to build to lasagna up. The top layer has an additional layer of sauce as well as mozzarella cheese. The whole thing is then baked so this top cheesy layer melts.
Trend Themes
1. Instant Noodle Creations - Creating innovative recipes that utilize instant noodles in new and unique ways.
2. Affordable Gourmet - Creating gourmet meals using affordable and readily-available ingredients.
3. Unconventional Combinations - Combining unconventional and seemingly incompatible ingredients to create surprisingly delicious food.
Industry Implications
1. Food - Opportunities for chefs and food companies to create new recipes using instant noodles and other affordable ingredients in creative ways.
2. Frugal Living/ Budgeting - Opportunities for financial bloggers and websites to share recipes and ideas for budget-friendly meals and creative meal planning.
3. Food Tech - Opportunities for food technology companies to create affordable and convenient gourmet foods from inexpensive ingredients such as instant noodles and other pantry staples for mass consumption.

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