Tasteful Typography Infographics

The Comprehensive Type Guide Outlines the Rules of Typeface

"Don’t try to be original, just try to be good," says the Quick and Comprehensive Type Guide. With so many options for fonts, sizes and styles, it's easy to get overwhelmed when typing. With computers becoming more accessible to younger age groups, documents can often get out of hand with illegible typefaces and crazy colors, and unfortunately, some people never grow out of this habit as they rocket into the professional world.

This typographical guide is an easy way to understand tasteful typing, outlining the differences between typefaces, common styles, different layouts and even what your typeface says about you.
Trend Themes
1. Typography Trends - As more content is created online, opportunities arise for innovators to offer new typography design trends and tools.
2. Digital Literacy Education - As younger age groups become more acquainted with computers, there is a need for innovation that provides education on tasteful typography practices.
3. Personal Branding - As typography plays a crucial role in visual communication, there are opportunities for innovative ideas that include personalized, unique typefaces for personal or business branding.
Industry Implications
1. Graphic Design - As tasteful typography continues to gain significance in communication, there is a need for disruptive innovations in the graphic design industry.
2. Digital Advertising - As the digital world continues to evolve, digital advertising offers opportunities to employ innovative typography to set a brand apart from the competition.
3. Education Technology - As digital literacy becomes increasingly important, educators and tech entrepreneurs alike have opportunities to develop innovative tools that teach tasteful typography through interactive mediums.

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