Tortilla-Style Protein Chips

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Quest Nutrition's Protein Chips Have a Fun Taco Flavor

Quest Nutrition's newly launched Loaded Taco Tortilla Style Protein Chips are not only full of flavor but also 19 grams of protein per serving and just four grams of net carbs per bag. Quest Nutrition is passionate about offering better-for-you versions of beloved foods and it set out to create a taco-flavored chip "with no nutritional compromise." True to their name, the chips share all the taste of taco shells that are loaded up with classic toppings.

Notably, these baked protein chips from Quest Nutrition provide at least nine times the protein of conventional chips, offering a healthier way to snack.

This new flavor of Protein Chips from the brand joins other fun flavors like Chili Lime, Nacho Cheese and Ranch.
Trend Themes
1. Protein Chip Innovation - Quest Nutrition's high-protein, low-carb tortilla-style chips demonstrate the trend of creating healthier and more nutritious snack options.
2. Flavorful Chip Varieties - Quest Nutrition's wide range of chip flavors, such as Loaded Taco, Chili Lime, Nacho Cheese, and Ranch, showcase the trend of offering unique and exciting taste experiences in the chip market.
3. Protein Snacking - The increasing popularity of high-protein snacks, like Quest Nutrition's Protein Chips, reflects the trend of consumers seeking convenient and satisfying snacks that support their fitness and wellness goals.
Industry Implications
1. Snack Food - The snack food industry can capitalize on the trend of protein chip innovation by developing their own high-protein, low-carb chip options that cater to health-conscious consumers.
2. Convenience Food - The convenience food industry can take advantage of the trend of protein snacking by introducing more protein-rich snack options, tapping into the demand for on-the-go nutrition.
3. Flavoring and Seasoning - Flavoring and seasoning companies can explore the trend of flavorful chip varieties by partnering with chip manufacturers to create exciting and unique flavor profiles that cater to consumers' taste preferences.

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