Oil Drum Installations

Qie Zhijie's 'Oil Can Dragon' and 'Cash Cow' Use Tin Trash Bins

Qie Zhijie's 'Oil Can Dragon' and 'Cash Cow' are crafted of cut oil barrel drums. The towering installations are made in the images of trees and dragons, playing up on the controversial relationship between the petrol industry and nature.

Zhijie's sculptures feature gilded branches, flaring nostrils and bits of fake flame. The stacked tin cans brandish red, blue and orange colors, making no attempt to hide the rust of the tin materials.

The use of garbage elements within the installation sphere is catching on in the art world. As the concept of disposability becomes progressively taboo on the sustainable front, creative minds are in turn working pieces that would otherwise be thrown out into their contemporary projects.
Trend Themes
1. Garbage Art - Opportunity to disrupt the traditional art world through the use of unconventional materials like cut oil barrel drums.
2. Sustainable Art - Opportunity for artists to promote environmental awareness and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability through their artwork.
3. Environmental Statement - Opportunity to make an environmental statement through bold and thought-provoking installations, creating a dialogue on sustainability issues associated with the petrol industry.
Industry Implications
1. Art Industry - Opportunity for art galleries, collectors and museums to promote and invest in eco-friendly art projects and engage in dialogue with artists on sustainability issues.
2. Waste Management Industry - Opportunity to partner with artists to reduce waste and promote recycling through the use of unconventional materials in art projects.
3. Petroleum Industry - Opportunity for the petroleum industry to invest in sustainable technology and research to reduce their impact on the environment and promote eco-friendly practices.

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