Fall-Flavored Flapjacks

These Spiced Pumpkin Pancakes Provide the Perfect Autumn Breakfast

There are few better ways to start out a crisp autumn morning than with a pumpkin spice latte to go along with your pumpkin pancakes. This recipe from Joy the Baker featured on Refinery29 for pumpkin spice pancakes is a delicious and unexpected way to cook with pumpkin, especially for a delightful weekend breakfast.

Pumpkin spice has essentially exploded this year, which means you should enjoy it for all its worth this season before we're all sick of it this time next fall. A definite time and money saver, these fall flapjacks also mean you won't be waiting in the brunch line, as Refinery29 so astutely points out.

The pumpkin pancakes incorporate the all-important spice factor by integrating autumnally appropriate seasoning like cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg. They can be topped with whipped cream and cinnamon sugar (or classic maple syrup).
Trend Themes
1. Pumpkin Spice Craze - Opportunity to create innovative pumpkin spice products and capitalize on the trend.
2. Convenience in Cooking - Opportunity to develop easy-to-make recipes and products for busy individuals.
3. Alternative Breakfast Options - Opportunity to explore unique and unexpected breakfast recipes to cater to diverse consumer preferences.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunity for food companies to create and market pumpkin spice-flavored products.
2. Convenience Products - Opportunity for companies to develop pre-packaged pancake mixes or pumpkin spice pancake mixes for quick and easy breakfasts.
3. Recipe Websites or Apps - Opportunity to provide online platforms or mobile apps that offer a wide range of innovative breakfast recipes.

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