Body Builder Photoshopping

Pumping Up The Stars

Participants of contests have a lot of fun with pictures. Since stars are so obsessed with their looks, it's odd that beefing them up with photo imaging software hasn't been done before.

The Worth1000 collection of pumped up, muscle-bound babes include Keira Knightley, Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz, Charlize Theron and Gisele Bundchen. Amy Winehouse, Clint Eastwood, and Jim Carrey were thrown in just for yucks.

Implications - Conventional beauty has come under scrutiny in contemporary society, most notably exemplified by the company Dove with their Campaign for Real Beauty. This pattern is a great opportunity for businesses to present their own perspective on this issue with a variety of products that offer alternatives. Companies would be wise to consider how their products have the potential to redefine conventional beauty, and in doing so, make a considerable profit.
Trend Themes
1. Body-builder Photoshop - Body-Builder Photoshop is becoming a popular trend, showing the interest in modifying digital images to achieve a specific aesthetic.
2. Real Beauty Campaign - The Real Beauty Campaign is a growing trend for businesses to promote authentic beauty as an alternative to conventional beauty ideals.
3. Celebrity Muscle Morphing - Muscle morphing images of celebrities is a trend that is gaining popularity and could influence industries that use celebrity endorsements.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty Industry - The Beauty Industry can use the trend of Body-Builder Photoshop and Real Beauty Campaigns to promote inclusive and diverse beauty standards.
2. Fitness Industry - The Fitness Industry could utilize the trend of Body-Builder Photoshop and Celebrity Muscle Morphing to promote achievable and realistic fitness goals for the everyday person.
3. Advertising Industry - The Advertising Industry could use the trend of Celebrity Muscle Morphing and Real Beauty Campaigns to promote messaging that aligns with changing beauty ideals.

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