Psychedelic Prismatic Installations

Prisma 1666 is Inspired by the Work of Sir Isaac Newton

Inspired by the work of Sir Isaac Newton, Prisma 1666 is an interactive art installation that plays with light and color. It was specifically influenced by Newton's famous optics and color theory experiments performed furing the year 1666. Prisma 1666 is so impressive that it won the 2011 Shanghai International Science and Art Award for the best creative design.

Created by Super Nature Design in collaboration with Wonwei, the Prisma 1666 interactive art installation features 15 triangular crystal blocks that were randomly placed around a pristine white room, although it might be hard to believe that this room was once a blank slate. A projection of bright colorful graphics is refracted and dispersed by these blocks through the use of a touch interface, which visitors to the installation can interact with.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Art Installations - Developing more interactive art installations that incorporate technology for a immersive and engaging experience.
2. Innovative Light Displays - Exploring new ways to play with light and color using technology and design to create unique and captivating displays.
3. Science-inspired Art - Incorporating scientific theories, experiments and principles into art installations for educational as well as aesthetic purposes.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Creating and implementing immersive and engaging art installations incorporating technology and innovative design.
2. Entertainment - Designing captivating light displays and interactive art installations for events, festivals, and audience experiences.
3. Education and Science Museums - Creating educational exhibits that incorporate science and technology into art installations to engage and inspire visitors.

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