Presidential Election 2.0

Picking Winners With Google Trends

Google Trends lets you see the relative popularity of different search terms in graph form. TechCrunch brings up an interesting point - can the search terms of the pre-election masses predict our next President? I remember hearing something about a search engine being able to accurately predict the outcome of American Idol. Why not apply this seem technique to see our future commander-in-chief? 

Implications - With social media sites such as Google and Twitter becoming more frequently used, many industries should consider investing money into their online presence. The current tech-savvy generation commonly turns to online media outlets and search engines as their most up-to-date source of news. Through implementing an appealing website and online presence, popular search engines will be more likely to link queries related to your product, service or industry to your website.
Trend Themes
1. Google Trends and Elections - Prediction models for political campaigns can be revolutionized by analyzing search term popularity on Google Trends.
2. Online Presence Investment - Industries should focus on investing in their online presence as online news sources are becoming the go-to destination for news updates.
3. Social Media Data Mining - Companies and organizations can incorporate data mining practices on social media platforms for valuable insights into customer trends and preferences.
Industry Implications
1. Political Campaigns - Political campaigns can use data from Google Trends to gain insights into voter preferences and boost their election strategies.
2. Media and News - With online media outlets becoming more popular, the media industry should invest more in their online presence for better search engine rankings and visibility.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Incorporating data mining practices on social media platforms can help marketing and advertising agencies gather valuable customer insights for better marketing strategies.

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