Carb-Obsessed Art Greetings

Etsy's Pretzel Croissant Baguettes Postcards Set is Charming

Etsy user Jacqueline Chan is the owner of Whimsy Milieu, a shop specializing in jewelry, accessories and art pieces like this "Pretzel Croissant Baguettes" postcards set that celebrates carbs.

Chan's illustration is adorned with baked goods imagery that makes up a symmetrical composition. In the portrait, two baguettes that are crossed to form an x symbol while a pretzel and croissant are placed at parallel sides of one another.

Whimsy Milieu's bread-inspired postcards set is printed on glossy card stock that is shiny on its front face but matte on its back panel. This allows for easy notes that are guaranteed to be smudge-proof. The charming greetings will appeal to art and travel lovers with an appreciation for baked goods.

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