Call Girl Obsessions

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Natalia Fabia's Art Blends Working Girls and Childhood Fantasy (UPDATE)

The paintings of Natalia Fabia evoke a mixture of sex and fantasy; they include works like a painting of a hooker cuddling a unicorn toy.

In fact, a lot of Fabia’s work seems centered on hookers, with projects under her belt like "Hooker DreamScape," "Hooker Safari" and "Hook Manor."

Like them or love them, you can not argue that these paintings certainly do capture the essence of hookers. Question is, does that appeal to you?

Implications - Consumers in modern society are only attracted to products that feature an element of shock. Items that contain an unconventional aesthetic are appealing to shoppers who want to experience something new. Companies could develop more designs like this in order to garner more attention on the market.
Trend Themes
1. Unconventional Aesthetics - Companies could develop more designs with unconventional aesthetics to garner more attention on the market.
2. Shock Value Products - Consumers are only attracted to products that feature an element of shock.
3. Provocative Imagery - Provocative imagery can be used to capture a certain essence that appeals to some consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry can capitalize on the trend of unconventional aesthetics and provocative imagery.
2. Fashion - The fashion industry can develop designs with shock value to appeal to consumers who want something new.
3. Advertising - Ad agencies can use provocative imagery to create shock value in their campaigns.

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