E-Ink Phone Cases

'popSLATE' Gives Your iPhone a Second Screen

The popSLATE e-ink iPhone charging display case is the smart, always-on, second screen that delivers everything you need at a glance without having to repeatedly unlock your phone.

The ultra-thin e-ink smartphone case can display sports scores, news headlines, stock quotes & more–all at a glance–delivered from your favorite sources, straight to your always-on screen on the back of your iPhone.

Explore, personalize and create a wide range of content for your second screen such as: your boarding passes, to-do lists, grocery lists, daily calendars, concert tickets, loyalty cards and more.

With the popSLATE e-ink second screen there is no more unlocking to reach the information you need.
Trend Themes
1. E-ink Accessories - Opportunity for companies to create e-ink technology cases and accessories for various devices.
2. Smartphone Second Screens - Disruptive innovation opportunity for companies to create smartphone second screen technology, enhancing user experience and daily efficiency.
3. Always-on Displays - Opportunity for companies to integrate always-on displays into various products and devices, providing users with an always visible and customizable display of information.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Companies in the technology industry can benefit from creating and integrating e-ink and second screen technology into their products.
2. Fashion - There is potential for companies in the fashion industry to create stylish and functional e-ink accessories for various devices.
3. Transportation - Opportunity for companies in the transportation industry to utilize e-ink technology in displays for boarding passes and other travel-related information.

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