Wireless Pocket Drum Machines

Teenage Engineering's PO-32 Tonic Can Import and Export Wirelessly

Teenage Engineering's PO-32 Tonic is a drum machine that comes in a conveniently compact size, but it emits virtually endless sounds. Thanks to wireless connectivity, the machine is able to import any sound from any program, and it can then export the resultant synth sessions without having to plug in to any hardware.

The PO-32 Tonic is part of Teenage Engineering's Pocket Operator series, but it is the first offering to include this sort of wireless technology. One of the big benefits of the wireless importing and exporting is that two users with the PO-32 Tonic can transfer their beats directly between the machines without having to work through an intermediary. Such a system makes collaboration far easier and more fluid for musicians who work with electronic and synthesized sounds.
Trend Themes
1. Wireless Drum Machines - Wireless technology is allowing for more collaboration in the music industry
2. Compact Synthesizers - The demand for smaller and more portable music-making devices is increasing
3. Import and Export Features - Programs and devices that allow for easy importing and exporting of sounds are becoming more popular
Industry Implications
1. Music Technology - Manufacturers of music-making devices are integrating wireless technology and import/export features to improve collaboration and portability
2. Electronic Music Production - Electronic music producers are increasingly using small, portable devices with wireless technology to collaborate and create music
3. Mobile Device Accessories - Companies are developing accessories to help musicians connect devices wirelessly and make it easier to import/export sounds

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