Crafty Kaleidoscopic Cityscapes

This Series Turns Pictures of Chicago into Kaleidoscopic Images

Imaginative filmmaker and photographer Michael Shainblum has created a series that transforms pictures of Chicago into kaleidoscopic images. This fantastic series includes both day time and night time exposures of this lively city.

Shainblum takes lots of flashy night time pictures of Chicago, capturing all of the bright, colorful lights from various buildings and skyscrapers. He also includes items like orange pylons in these city focused photographs. Shainblum manipulates these photos in a way that makes the viewer feel like they are looking into a kaleidoscope. He takes interesting cityscape shots and turns them into something more intriguing and visually stunning.

Though viewers can still tell that these shots portray a city, the kaleidoscope effect adds an interesting new element to these incredible shots of Chicago.
Trend Themes
1. Kaleidoscopic Cityscapes - Uses kaleidoscope effects to turn ordinary cityscape shots into visually stunning images.
2. Night Time Photography - Captures the bright, colorful lights of cities during night time, providing opportunities for visually creative effects.
3. Manipulated Photography - Uses post-processing manipulation to turn each photo into a kaleidoscopic image.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Uses post-processing and creative effects to enhance photographs.
2. Tourism - Provides visually stunning representations of popular tourist destinations.
3. Advertising - Uses visually unique images to promote a product or service.

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