Photojournalistic Realism

Broadcasting Life's Most Intimate Moments

Social utility technology is becoming more used in important life events like marriage proposals. Surprisingly, its the men who want to record the event, finding it sentimental and romantic, and it's the women who are in disagreement. With tools like MySpace, Facebook and YouTube, couples are making their personal life events public. The NY Times called it, "photojournalistic realism."

"Whether inspired by tenderhearted sentiment, the desire to record history in the making or something more narcissistic, some marriage-minded men are remaking one of humanity's most private moments into one that can be instantly shared with family, friends and even, thanks to the Internet, virtual strangers," The NY Times reported. "They are conspiring with photographers who, with all the stealth of covert operatives, lurk in crowds, behind bushes and in the darkened recesses of restaurants to capture the delighted, unposed reaction of the fiancée-in-the-making."

By continually recording life's events, our society could become less genuine -- in a sense, we're always acting when the cameras are rolling. He isn't proposing a life of love and commitment to the woman he loves, he is putting on a show for others. Our memories will become less reliable because we are less in the moment. Instead of focusing on that intimate moment, the focus shifts to how we may look or sound and what others will perceive of it later.
Trend Themes
1. Social Utility Technology - Opportunity to create new tools that enable sharing important life events in unique, meaningful ways for couples and individuals.
2. Personal Event Broadcasting - Opportunity to innovate efficient and less intrusive ways of broadcasting personal life events for couples to share with loved ones and strangers alike.
3. Photojournalistic Realism - Opportunity to develop new forms of documentary styles and storytelling that capture life's most intimate moments.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media Platforms - Opportunity for social media platforms to develop new sharing features aimed at enabling intimate and personal moments for couples to share.
2. Photography - Opportunity for photographers to develop styles that capture and preserve life's most intimate moments in innovative and meaningful ways.
3. Virtual Reality - Opportunity to innovate new VR experiences that enable couples to experience life events in immersive and interactive ways regardless of geographical location.

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