Phone Prophylactic Products

Smartskin's Prophylactic Phone Protectors Reduce Mobile Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases have been combatted for quite some time using condoms, but it seems the good folks at Smartskin have decided that these prophylactic devices are fit for phone protectors too.

Compatible with the iPhone 4/ 4s and the Samsung S3, the Smartskin phone protectors are unabashedly similar to the run of the mill condoms being used for protection during sexual intercourse.

The only difference with these latex phone protectors is that instead of protecting your body from a nasty and potentially deadly disease, these smartphone prophylactics are protecting your mobile devices from you.

Smartskin's product aims to keep your phone clean and safe inside of its stretch-ready casing. To use, simply slide the Smartskin prophylactic phone protector over your device and you're in business.
Trend Themes
1. Smartphone Protection - Opportunity for companies to develop innovative phone protection products that go beyond traditional cases and covers.
2. Hygiene Tech - The rise of tech products designed to promote cleanliness and reduce the spread of germs and diseases.
3. Mobile Health - Integration of technology and healthcare to address issues related to mobile device hygiene and disease prevention.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Accessories - Opportunity for mobile accessories manufacturers to create and market phone protection products with innovative features and materials.
2. Healthcare - Potential for healthcare providers to incorporate phone hygiene into their services and offer disease prevention solutions.
3. Technology - Scope for tech companies to develop advanced solutions for maintaining clean and germ-free mobile devices.

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