Modular PVC Dog Pools

Pettom's Large Backyard Pool Helps Pets to Stay Cool in the Summer Heat

In hotter climates, it's vital to ensure that pets don't overheat while they're outside, and because of this, backyard pools like the ones created by Pettom are popular accessories.

Made from PVC material, Pettom's pools for dogs (and rare water-loving cats) are durable and quick to set up -- making them great for rowdy pets whose sharp nails might dig into it a little while they move around. To suit the needs of differently sized pets, the pools can be purchased in varying measurements so that no unnecessary water and space is used up.

Near the bottom, there's a secure drain that allows the pools to be quickly drained as well -- which makes them easy to refill with clean water, or take down to be stored away when needed. In addition, the pools can be folded flat and packed along to wherever pets might need them.
Trend Themes
1. Modular Pet Pools - New designs for modular pet pools are creating disruptive innovation opportunities for pet industry manufacturers.
2. PVC Material - Innovations in PVC material manufacturing are creating more durable and lightweight options for various industries.
3. Portable Pet Accessories - Continued growth in portable pet accessories is disrupting the pet industry and offering new opportunities for manufacturers to differentiate their products.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Industry - Modular pet pools are an innovative product for the pet industry and are poised to become a popular accessory for pet owners in hotter climates.
2. Material Manufacturing Industry - Innovations in PVC material manufacturing are creating opportunities for companies in various industries to develop new, lightweight, and durable products.
3. Outdoor Recreation Industry - The growth of portable pet accessories, like Pettom's modular pools, is offering new opportunities for companies in the outdoor recreation industry to appeal to pet owners who enjoy spending time outdoors with their pets.

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