Open-Sourced Petition Tools

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/Crowdring is a Petition Tool That Puts ‘Missed Calls’ to

/Crowdring is a campaign-aiding mobile petition tool. The creators of the project Deepa, Adriana, Leo and Carina have experimented with 'missed calls' as a public engagement tool in 2011 and received an overwhelming response.

They now want to launch the /Crowdring website as an open-sourced tool, available for anyone to tweak, hack and share.The idea behind the project is to include everyone in the world with a basic campaign to make a difference in the world. The petition signature does not require an Internet connection or a smartphone.

Once a petition has been created, it can be advertised through various channels and the amount of free missed calls will be shown as legitimate signatures to make the necessary changes in any part of the world.
Trend Themes
1. Open-sourced Petition Tools - The trend of open-sourced petition tools allows for greater inclusivity and accessibility for anyone to create and share petitions.
2. Mobile Engagement Tools - The use of mobile engagement tools, such as 'missed calls,' offers a unique way to involve the public in campaigns and petitions without requiring an internet connection or smartphone.
3. Crowdsourced Campaigns - Crowdring's open-sourced tool enables the crowdsourcing of campaigns, allowing for greater collaboration and collective action.
Industry Implications
1. Nonprofit Organizations - Open-sourced petition tools provide an opportunity for nonprofit organizations to engage a wider audience and mobilize support in a more accessible manner.
2. Advocacy and Activism - The use of mobile engagement tools like Crowdring opens up new avenues for advocacy and activism, allowing activists to reach and involve more individuals in their campaigns and causes.
3. Social Media Platforms - Crowdsourced campaigns facilitated by open-sourced petition tools can generate organic content and engagement on social media platforms, providing opportunities for user-generated marketing and brand promotion.

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