Permanent Birth Control?

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Adiana Essure Coils Only Take 2 Minutes For Lasting Prevention

Not interested in having kids? Are you a career woman with no plans for a family? Already built a football team of kids and are ready to slow down? These might be some of the reasons to consider permanent birth control.

A product called Adiana, being dubbed "permanent birth control" could be easily accessible in 2009. According to Time magazine, Essure coils have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and have been in use since 2002 and are now awaiting FDA approval.

Although the term "coil" sounds painful, the product is supposed to be the gentlest way to stop having babies and more effective then having tubes tied. Apparently women who have families and want to stop having kids are already lining up for this product as it doesn’t require overnight surgery and uncomfortable recovery time. The Time article suggests the procedure can take two minutes at the gynecologists office and has no more irritation then a bad period.

The Essure coils will be a hot trend in 2009 as more and more women are deciding not to have babies at all. Women in their twenties could be as likely to decide to have the procedure as women who are married and have made their status quo of kidlets. Of course, when I was growing up they called "permanent birth control" a less appealing name "sterilization." Mind you, with an actual movement of women deciding not to have financially-strapping kids as a way to be more eco-friendly, as British paper The Mail Online details, this might be a more appealing resource to potentially millions of women.
Trend Themes
1. Rise of Permanent Birth Control - Adiana Essure coils and other permanent birth control options will likely experience a rise in demand as more women chose to not have children for a variety of reasons, presenting opportunities for innovation in the healthcare industry.
2. Efficient and Minimally Invasive Procedures - With the emergence of Adiana, there is a trend towards more efficient, minimally invasive permanent birth control procedures, presenting opportunities for innovation in the healthcare industry.
3. New Alternatives to Traditional Sterilization - Products like Adiana offer new and potentially more appealing alternatives to traditional sterilization methods, opening up opportunities for innovation in the healthcare industry.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry will need to provide new and innovative permanent birth control options for women who chose to not have children for various reasons.
2. Gynecology - Efficient and minimally invasive permanent birth control procedures will present opportunities for gynecologists to expand their areas of practice and services.
3. Pharmaceuticals - Pharmaceutical companies could develop new drugs or treatments for permanent birth control or improve existing ones to meet the growing demand for alternatives to traditional sterilization methods.

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