Cafe Stereotype Charts

This Infographic Identifies People at Coffee Shops You Will Alway See

This infographic identifies the different kind of people at coffee shops you will probably encounter. From Australia-based Espresso Works, 'The Different Types of People You See at Coffee Shops' describes different stereotypes you'll find frequenting cafes all over the world.

The chart includes people at coffee shops like the stressed out student drinking black coffee constantly, the regular drinking a skinny latte, the hipster drinking a pumpkin spice latte, the freelancer drinking an americano, the business type drinking espresso, the coffee Instagrammer snapping (and hashtagging) their beverage and, of course, the time-killer consuming the smallest, least expensive option.

The infographic also includes fun facts about cafes, like 1.7 cups of coffee are consumed internationally every single day.
Trend Themes
1. Different Types of Coffee Shop Customers - Exploring the different stereotypes of coffee shop customers presents an opportunity for businesses to tailor their offerings and experiences accordingly.
2. Cafe Culture and Social Behavior - Examining the behaviors and preferences of coffee shop customers can lead to innovative approaches in creating a welcoming and sociable cafe culture.
3. The Rise of Coffee Shop Influencers - Identifying the trend of coffee shop Instagrammers opens up potential collaborations and marketing opportunities for businesses in the coffee industry.
Industry Implications
1. Coffee Shop and Cafe Industry - The coffee shop and cafe industry can benefit from understanding and catering to the different types of customers at coffee shops.
2. Hospitality and Service Industry - Understanding cafe culture and social behavior can enable businesses in the hospitality and service industry to create unique experiences for their customers.
3. Digital Marketing and Influencer Industry - The rise of coffee shop influencers presents opportunities for brands in the digital marketing and influencer industry to collaborate and promote their products.

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