Bike-Donating Ads

The Pedal with Pride Campaign Promotes a Cyclothon to Help Indian Children

The things that many Westerners take for granted can often save lives in third world countries; the Pedal with Pride campaign brings one such object to light. Childhood bikes that are often left in backyards and garages to rust can be used to help other children commute to important destinations. But not in the way expected.

The Pedal with Pride campaign was conceived and executed by India-based ad agency The Red Wine Stain. It promotes the Pedal with Pride Cyclothon, which is a part of Tour De India 2012, that is to take place on March 25, 2012. This cyclothon will help raise funds for bicycles for Indian children. The creators write, "Around 8 million Indian children aren’t in class. Mostly because they have to walk for hours under the sun before they can even reach the school gate." That can all change with a set of wheels.
Trend Themes
1. Reuse of Bicycles - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Repurposing unused bicycles for the benefit of children in third world countries.
2. Local Cyclothons - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Organizing local cyclothons as a means to raise funds for important causes.
3. Improving Accessibility to Education - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Utilizing bicycles to improve accessibility to education in areas where children have to walk long distances.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Incorporating social responsibility and cause marketing into advertising campaigns.
2. Non-profit Organizations - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Collaborating with businesses and ad agencies to organize events for fundraising and awareness.
3. Education - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Implementing alternative transportation solutions to make education more accessible in remote areas.

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