Brain Boosting Campaigns

The PBS 'Where Television Matters' Ads Shed an Intelligent Light on USA

The PBS 'Where Television Matters' ad campaign heralds some refreshing, intelligent content that many viewers are bound to embrace.

The ads are done in a slightly hipster manner, appealing to the younger generations currently thriving on such shows as ‘Jersey Shore’ that lack substance and encourage an irresponsible lifestyle. Moreover, it shows British audiences that Americans are more than what their reality TV shows depict them as.

Conceived and executed by London-based ad agency Hypernaked, the PBS Where Television Matters ad campaign features tag lines such as, "This American export expands your mind not your waistline" and "USA with a higher IQ." These slogans are important sentiments to convey to both North Americans, as well as countries abroad.
Trend Themes
1. Brain-boosting TV - TV networks should focus on producing more intelligent and educational content to cater to younger generations.
2. Anti-reality TV Campaigns - Marketing campaigns that showcase the downsides of mindless reality TV content can be effective in shifting viewer habits towards more enriching programming.
3. Intelligent Ad Campaigns - Ad agencies can create campaigns that appeal to viewers' desire for thought-provoking content, rather than relying on traditional advertising tactics.
Industry Implications
1. Television Networks - Networks that prioritize the creation of smart and engaging TV content are likely to attract younger viewers and stand out in the crowded TV landscape.
2. Advertising - Brands that focus on creating intelligent and thought-provoking ad campaigns can differentiate themselves and connect with audiences on a deeper level.
3. Education - Schools and educational institutions can collaborate with TV networks and brands to provide more enriching and educational content for students.

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