Illuminating Mental Wellness Toys

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‘PAWZ The Calming Pup’ Has Three Breathing Exercises to Follow

‘PAWZ The Calming Pup’ helps children reflect and calm down using breathing exercises. As mentioned in the description, it is a toy that helps children with Social-emotional learning (SEL), which "is the process of developing self-awareness, self-control, and the interpersonal skills children need throughout their lives."

With PAWZ The Calming Pup, children are able to become more aware of their thoughts and feelings with a squeeze of its paw. This companion toy has three types of breathing techniques for children to follow, which are visually translated through its lighting effect: square breath (green light), 4x4 breath (blue light), and laddered breath (yellow light). PAWZ has a small and compact design which is perfect for on-the-go use.
Trend Themes
1. Mental Wellness Toys - The rise of mental wellness toys that employ technology to help children with Social-emotional learning (SEL) will reshape the toy industry.
2. Breathing Techniques for Children - The adoption of breathing techniques for children in mental wellness toys will create a new trend in the health and wellness industry.
3. Interactive Companion Toys - The development of interactive companion toys that use creative methods to help children regulate their emotions will disrupt the market.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - The toy industry can leverage this trend by investing in the development of wellness toys for children.
2. Health and Wellness Industry - The health and wellness industry can capitalize on the adoption of breathing techniques in mental wellness toys by creating new breathing techniques tailored for children.
3. Artificial Intelligence Industry - The AI industry can develop and improve the interactivity of companion toys to improve their effectiveness in helping children regulate their emotions.

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