Interactive Graffiti Tracking Tools

Paris Street Art is a Website That Locates Murals on a Map

As the movement toward street art as a legitimate artform continues to grow, websites that showcase these incredible artworks and credit the artists behind them are emerging across the web. Paris Street Art takes this to the next level with an interactive map that not only allows you to locate the variety of street art around the city, but to access information about the art, artist and exhibits.

The revolutionary tool offers an unusual travel and tourism experience through the city, which is the home to some of the most celebrated artworks and museums in history. Interest in graffiti art is growing rapidly, especially among the younger generation, and the streets of Paris are one of the biggest canvases for international graffiti artists.

According to the Paris Street Art crew, their mission is "to reference and localize this ephemeral art form in one click. It's quite simple, all you need to do is click on the various locations that appear on the map to discover and locate the finest of Parisian street art and graffiti."
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Graffiti Tracking - With the growing interest in street art, interactive graffiti tracking tools offer unique travel and tourism experience with potential for gamification.
2. Localized Art Promotion - Interactive maps allow for the promotion and recognition of local street art and graffiti, creating opportunities for artists in the community and encouraging tourism.
3. Crowdsourced Art Curation - Websites and apps that encourage users to contribute to street art locations and information can lead to a more collaborative and interactive approach to art curation.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism and Travel - The use of interactive graffiti tracking tools has the potential to create unique, artsy tourist experiences and promote local tourism.
2. Art & Design - The emergence of interactive graffiti tracking tools creates new opportunities for artists to promote their work and develop new styles.
3. Technology & Innovation - The development of new technologies to catalogue and locate street art has the potential to spur innovation in the realm of urban planning and community development.

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