Pre-Sunset Travel Apps

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The Touristy Paris App Nods to the Magically Photogenic Hours Before Sunset

If you plan on visiting Paris (or just want to make the most of it as a local) between June 8 and July 5 this summer, this bilingual Paris app is an absolute must have. Les Heures Magiques (or The Magic Hours in English) celebrates the City of Love via an interactive Google map listing 51 places and free activities to partake in before the sun sets.

Developed by creative agency 72andSunny Amsterdam and production firm Unit9, the Paris app is also the result of collaboration with local experts such as Paris Zig Zag, Underground Paris and Jean-Philippe Gatien. Similar to last year's Marseilles-based Night Walk (Promenade Nocturne), the app showcases things like sunset walks, the best picnic spots, ping pong tables, concerts, intriguing street art and pétanque courts.
Trend Themes
1. Pre-sunset Experiences - Apps and services that offer activities and events specifically geared towards making the most of the hours leading up to sunset, whether as a tourist or local.
2. Interactive City Guides - Apps that offer curated and geographically-specific information through interactive maps and expert collaborators offer an exciting and dynamic way to explore a city.
3. Bilingual Travel Apps - Apps that are designed to be interactive and informative for travellers who may not be fluent in a local language offer a valuable service and can create unique experiences for travellers.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - The tourism industry has the potential to create innovative and unique pre-sunset experiences for travellers, as well as develop interactive and informative apps that highlight the best a city has to offer
2. Technology - The development of interactive city guides like Les Heures Magiques and Night Walk that utilize technology to create curated and immersive experiences offer exciting opportunities for technological innovation in the travel industry.
3. Creative Agencies - Collaborations between creative agencies, local experts and technology companies can result in innovative apps and experiences that offer a unique, engaging and insider's view of a city

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