Pancake Drawing Robots

PancakeBot Makes Intricately Designed Pancakes

PancakeBot is every breakfast lover's dream. For those of us that simply aren't satisfied with the regular circle flapjacks, PancakeBot is here to rescue us. By inputting a design the user wants into a computer, the robot can make incredibly detailed breakfast pancake designs.

As kids, many of us were fortunate enough to have parents that were skilled in the art of pancake making, but for those that weren't as lucky, there's PancakeBot. The robot follows the design that the user inputs down to the letter, even going so far as to trace the exact order of the lines that were inputted. In the video we even see something as difficult as the Eiffel tower made into breakfast goodness easily.
Trend Themes
1. Food Robotics - There is potential for disrupting the food industry by expanding automation to other areas of food preparation and cooking.
2. Custom Food Design - Custom-made food design can be expanded to other areas of food services like catering, events, and restaurants.
3. Edible Printing Technology - Developments in printing technology can lead to more edible printing that can change the way food is designed and presented.
Industry Implications
1. Food Service - Restaurants, cafes, and caterers can use PancakeBot and similar robot technology to create unique food designs for customers.
2. Hospitality - Hotels and resorts can use PancakeBot and custom food design to differentiate their breakfast offerings and improve the guest experience.
3. Printing Technology - Edible printing technology can be further developed and integrated into the food industry to change the way designs are created and presented on food products.

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