Publicly Downloadable Operating Systems

The New Apple Operating System 'OSX Mavericks' is Free

At Apple's latest press conference, it provided an update on the new Apple operating system -- OSX Mavericks can be downloaded for free from the App Store as of today. This is the first time that Apple has released an update of this magnitude for free.

The new operating system includes numerous app updates as well as aesthetics to match the flat design of the iOS7. It is available for users "running OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard and above."

All of Apple's previous operating systems have been named after big cats like Cheetahs, Pumas, Snow Leopards and Lions. This newest one is a departure from this pattern and starts a new line of operating systems that will pay tribute to locations throughout California.
Trend Themes
1. Free Operating Systems - More companies may follow the trend of offering free operating systems to its users to incentivize updates and gain market share.
2. Aesthetic Updates - Companies may focus on making aesthetic updates to their operating systems to match modern design trends.
3. Location-based Naming Conventions - Businesses may adopt location-based naming conventions for their software products to give them more personality and regional appeal.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - The technology industry may see more companies offering free operating systems to its users as a marketing strategy.
2. Design - Design agencies and visual artists may be in demand for companies looking to update their operating systems to match modern design trends.
3. Tourism - Tourism boards and travel companies may capitalize on location-based naming conventions for software products to promote tourism and regional pride.

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