GMO-Free English Muffins

Dave’s Killer Bread Now Offers Whole Grain Organic English Muffins

Dave’s Killer Bread is expanding its bread lineup with the debut of Organic English Muffins. Bursting with whole grains and touting an impressive amount of protein, the new English muffins put a nutritious twist on a breakfast classic.

The new Organic English Muffins from Dave’s Killer Bread are available in two tasty varieties. The first is the Killer Classic English Muffins, which is a take on a classic English muffin that's enhanced with the addition of five super grains and six grams of protein per muffin. There is also the Rockin’ Grains English Muffins, which have 20 grams of whole grains per muffin—the most whole grains of any organic English muffin on the market. Both are GMO-free, USDA-certified organic, and free of high fructose corn syrup.
Trend Themes
1. Organic Breakfast Foods - With the introduction of GMO-free Organic English Muffins by Dave's Killer Bread, there is an opportunity for companies to cater to health-conscious consumers seeking organic breakfast options.
2. Super Grains - Dave's Killer Bread has introduced five super grains to their Killer Classic English Muffins, creating a trend for incorporating nutrient-rich super grains into breakfast foods.
3. High-protein Breakfast Foods - The addition of six grams of protein to Killer Classic English Muffins by Dave's Killer Bread presents an opportunity for the creation of other high-protein breakfast food products.
Industry Implications
1. Organic Food Industry - The introduction of Dave's Killer Bread Organic English Muffins creates a demand for organic breakfast products and presents an opportunity for companies in the organic food industry to capitalize.
2. Whole Grain Industry - With 20 grams of whole grains per muffin in Rockin' Grains English Muffins by Dave's Killer Bread, there is a growing trend towards including more whole grains in breakfast foods.
3. Protein Supplement Industry - The addition of six grams of protein to Killer Classic English Muffins by Dave's Killer Bread opens up a market for high-protein breakfast foods and creates an opportunity for companies in the protein supplement industry to introduce new products.

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