Helpful Oral Health Charts

This Infographic Explains How Taking Care of Your Teeth Improves Health

Oral health is a critical part of taking care of the overall body which is something most people don't see as closely related. The 'How Oral Health and General Health are Closely Related' infographic by Dervla Dental Care explains with simplified graphics, texts and charts the importance of taking care of one's teeth.

The infographic begins by sharing shocking stats pertaining to neglecting oral health including how "Almost 100% of adults have cavities." From there the chart explores the causes of oral health decay such as lifestyle, diet as well as systemic diseases before listening problems that can occur if conditions persist such as developing diabetes or even stomach ulcers. While this chart covers somewhat intimidating information, it shares it in an approachable way with colorful graphics, statistics and helpful tips on how to decrease oral diseases.
Trend Themes
1. Oral Health Awareness - There is room for innovation in creating more engaging references and applications for oral healthcare information.
2. Personalized Oral Care - There is potential to personalize oral healthcare solutions with technology and data to promote better health outcomes.
3. Integrated Health Awareness - There is an opportunity to create more resources and campaigns that emphasize the relationship between oral health and overall physical health.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - There is room for innovation in integrating oral health care practices within healthcare providers.
2. Technology - There is potential to create technology solutions like digital healthcare tools that can provide personalized oral healthcare recommendations.
3. Education - There is an opportunity to include more engaging oral healthcare materials and curricula in schools to promote better awareness and dental hygiene practices.

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