Ultra-Playful Online Education Platforms

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Futura Designs an Incredibly Whimsical Identity for Frami

Frami is an online education platform which has gained a whimsical and accessible identity thanks to Mexico City-based design company Futura. The new aesthetic for the client boasts an ultra-colorful appearance that is characterized by soft colors and geometric shapes.

Frami is a special platform that provides high-quality content exclusively in Icelandic. Translated from this language, the name of the online education platform means 'progression.' This is exactly what Futura focused on when developing the identity for its client. The components of the aesthetics are meant to give Frami "a didactic notion" to some extent. Balancing the youthful and professional, a whimsically playful demeanor is quite important for a predominantly digital company which draws in consumers predominantly through a sound and slick identity.
Trend Themes
1. Whimsical Online Education Platforms - The use of playful and accessible designs to promote e-learning could disrupt the traditional notions of education while engaging new audiences.
2. Localized Online Education - Platforms that offer quality education in local languages can enable learners to better connect with content and may open up more opportunities for e-learning in untapped global markets.
3. Digital Identity Branding - Investing in building a recognizable online personality can help e-learning platforms stand out, build trust with consumers, and increase engagement and usage rates.
Industry Implications
1. E-learning - E-learning platforms can stand to benefit from incorporating playful and accessible designs, offering education in local languages, and building strong digital brand identities.
2. Graphic Design - Graphic design companies that specialize in creating playful and innovative branding strategies can position themselves as partners for the growing e-learning market in need of diverse digital identities.
3. Localization Services - Companies that offer language localization services can expand their offerings to the e-learning industry, as demand for education content in non-English languages grow and becomes increasingly important for creating highly accessible global educational resources.

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