Open-Air Offices

The 'Offices With Terraces' Structure Will Embrace Natural Light and Fresh Air

Going to work each morning can be an absolute drag but the Offices With Terraces architectural project, put together by Nicolas Laisne Associes, is designed to change that up by embracing natural light, greenery and fresh air.

This structure will include offices that open into small terraces, making them feel less like dungeons and more like wholesome and healthy working environments. These terraces make it possible to hold meetings outside while taking in the greenery that dots the building's facade. Corridors are moved to the outer edge of the building so that they remain functional without interfering with the building's aesthetic appeal.

Ultimately, the Offices With Terraces project aims to reinvent office architectural spaces by embracing, instead of shunning, the natural elements that are so vital to our health and mood.
Trend Themes
1. Green-connected Offices - Opportunity to develop a new office architectural trend that incorporates natural elements to improve work environment and employees' health.
2. Outdoor Meetings - Opportunity to redesign meeting spaces by incorporating nature and fresh air in office terraces that will improve creativity and collaboration.
3. Smart Energy Buildings - Opportunity to integrate innovations to create energy-efficient buildings that enhance natural light usage and optimize office spaces with terraces.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Opportunity for architects to focus on creating eco-friendly office architectures that include outdoor terraces.
2. Real Estate - Opportunity for real estate developers to integrate innovative designs providing workspaces that prioritize employee wellness and health.
3. Technology - Opportunity to incorporate smart energy technologies into office buildings to reduce energy consumption and improve sustainability.

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