Obsolete Cassette Tape Lighting

Modern Light Designs by Transparent House

The category of recycling garbage into art just got a little bigger with this cassette tape lighting.

If you still happen to have a box or two full of old sorry-sounding cassette tapes you may be happy to see that they can be made into some pretty trendy looking lights. Maybe not by you but, the Transparent House folks have made these particularly sharp lights from just that - old cassette and answering machine tapes. The actually lighting function is done with low temperature neon bulbs, so there is no fear of melting.

These lights look so cool I may just head off to the basement to see what I can find!
Trend Themes
1. Upcycled Lighting - Transparent House's cassette tape lighting presents an opportunity for companies to create unique, eco-conscious lighting designs using repurposed materials.
2. Low Temperature Neon Lighting - The use of low temperature neon bulbs in Transparent House's cassette tape lighting offers an opportunity for companies to create lighting designs that are both energy-efficient and visually striking.
3. Recycling as Art - The creation of cassette tape lighting represents a continued trend of recycling waste materials into artistic and functional designs.
Industry Implications
1. Lighting Design - Transparent House's cassette tape lighting presents an opportunity for lighting designers to experiment with repurposed materials and explore eco-friendly lighting options.
2. Sustainability - The use of repurposed materials in Transparent House's cassette tape lighting highlights the growing focus on sustainability in industries ranging from lighting to consumer electronics.
3. Artistic Recycling - The creation of cassette tape lighting reflects a growing movement of artists and designers using waste materials to create functional and visually appealing works of art.

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