Ritzy Rollerblading Editorials

The Numero China Alessio Bolzoni Photoshoot is Fashionably Sporty

The Numero China Alessio Bolzoni photoshoot mixed upscale fashion with motion. In Bolzoni's images, model Zlata Mangafic was pictured rolling about an industrial set in large red and white roller blades, a choice that fits in well with the May 2015 edition of the magazine.

Stylist Vittoria Cerciello is one of the creative minds behind this memorable display of apparel. Cerciello deemed several eclectic pieces as essential to this Numero China production. This included scrunchy athletic sweaters, army-themed jackets and lettered sweaters.

Even with Mangafic's captivating poses in front of balconies and brick walls, attention was still drawn towards apparel. This came of two-toned black and white capes, frilled cutout skirts and sheer mixed material jackets lined with dark glitter.
Trend Themes
1. Fashionable Rollerskates - There is an opportunity for luxury fashion brands to incorporate trendy rollerskates into their product lines.
2. Athletic Streetwear - Upscale athletic streetwear that combines fashion and functionality is a growing trend.
3. Industrial Urban Photoshoots - Photoshoots that creatively integrate industrial urban settings with fashion are becoming increasingly popular.
Industry Implications
1. Luxury Fashion - Luxury fashion brands can incorporate rollerskates into their product lines to cater to the growing trend of fashionable rollerskates.
2. Athleticwear - Upscale athletic streetwear brands can capitalize on the trend of fashionable athleticwear.
3. Photography and Fashion - Photographers and fashion brands can collaborate to create visually striking photoshoots that creatively integrate urban settings with fashion.

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