Natto-Powered Hydrating Creams

The Waso GIGA Hydrating Cream Has a Nourishing Beauty Formula

The nourishing beauty formula of the Waso GIGA Hydrating Cream, powered by Shiseido, includes natto and whole carrot cells. The former ingredient carries with itself cultural connotations from Japan and is the main active complex that ensures unparallel performance in terms of moisture delivery. It is a traditional breakfast food made of soybeans that have been fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. Thanks to the inclusion of the soybean complex, the nourishing beauty creme promises to deliver "48 hours of lasting hydration while leaving a non-greasy, smooth finish." It also is effective in controlling the balance of moisture. When one takes into consideration today's fast-paced environment, one is capable of recognizing the need for efficient and lasting solutions that supercharge the skincare routine.
Trend Themes
1. Fermented Skincare - There is an opportunity for companies to utilize unique, culturally-significant fermented ingredients in skincare products for added benefits and differentiation.
2. Long-lasting Hydration - In a world where consumers demand more efficient, long-lasting skincare solutions, there is a market opportunity for hydrating creams that provide extended moisturizing benefits.
3. Natural Beauty Ingredients - Consumers are increasingly interested in using products with natural, plant-based ingredients. There is an opportunity for companies to incorporate whole plant cells or other nutrients that provide unique benefits in beauty creams and other products.
Industry Implications
1. Skincare Industry - Companies in the skincare industry can leverage the use of natto and other unique ingredients to create innovative and differentiating products, tapping into consumer demand for natural, effective skincare solutions.
2. Cosmetics Industry - The cosmetics industry can benefit from incorporating fermented ingredients like natto and other plant-based nutrients into their products, providing unique benefits and appealing to health-conscious consumers.
3. Natural Beauty Industry - The natural beauty industry is positioned to benefit from incorporating whole plant cells and other natural ingredients, catering to consumers who prioritize natural, eco-friendly products.

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