Online Phone Menu Navigation


“Press one to hear this in English: I'm sorry: I did not understand your entry: Please press star to hear this message again or the pound sign to hear more options...” We've all heard something similar to this when all we want is a company's mailing address or to cancel our service. It seems like businesses purposely create never-ending loops of confusing questions and painfully slow options. No more. Not with the creation of a new startup called Fonolo. Fonolo lets users navigate phone menus visually through the Internet. For users, the system is free and can be used on any phone, with no software to install. Fonolo even automates the process keeping track of your calls, notes and recordings. Truly unique!
Trend Themes
1. Visual Phone Navigation - The trend towards using visual phone navigation to simplify tedious menu options is disrupting traditional phone customer service methods.
2. Automation of Phone Calls - The trend towards automating the phone call process with features such as note-taking and recording is increasing efficiency within the customer service industry.
3. Free Phone Navigation - The trend towards offering free visual phone navigation services is providing options to users who are not willing to pay for traditional customer service methods.
Industry Implications
1. Customer Service - The customer service industry can benefit from incorporating visual phone navigation and automation features to enhance customer satisfaction and cut costs.
2. Technology - The technology industry can benefit from creating more advanced and efficient visual phone navigation software to meet the demands of modern consumers.
3. Telecom - The telecom industry can benefit from incorporating visual phone navigation and automation features to streamline and improve their overall customer service experience.

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