Bias-Fighting News Services

This News Program Helps Make Readers More Conscious and Less Biased

PSFK and IBM Watson have teamed up to develop a news program that causes readers to dig deeper and to think more critically about what they are reading. With so many different news sources at our fingertips, many of us only understand the bare minimum about a given topic. To combat this sensationalist approach to reading the news, IBM Watson has developed a program to make readers more aware of the full story.

The program is called 'Watson the News' and it uses the power of cognitive computing to help readers overcome any biases they may hold. The program works by accessing a user's apps, online sources and social media, in order to scan their news consumption. Watson will then evaluate any information that may be missing or any biases presented on certain stories. Subsequently, Watson will provide recommended reading to ensure the user is understanding the full story. The news program is personalized and customizable, meaning users can choose exactly how much knowledge they wish to develop about a given topic.
Trend Themes
1. Cognitive Computing News - Developing news programs that utilize cognitive computing to help readers overcome biases and understand the full story.
2. Personalized News Consumption - Creating customizable news programs that allow users to choose the amount of knowledge they wish to develop about specific topics.
3. Bias Awareness in News - Implementing news programs that raise awareness about biases and encourage critical thinking among readers.
Industry Implications
1. Media & Journalism - Opportunities for media companies and journalists to incorporate cognitive computing technology into their news programs to address bias and promote unbiased reporting.
2. Artificial Intelligence - Applying artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to develop personalized news consumption platforms that adapt to users' preferences and combat misinformation.
3. Education & Learning - Utilizing customizable news programs to enhance learning experiences and encourage critical thinking skills among students.

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